- Amazon S3
- Virginia
- Ireland
- Google Cloud Storage
- Iowa
- Websites
- www.jungledisk.com
- www.jungledisk.com/downloads
- www.jungledisk.com/blog
- www.myjungledisk.com
- secure.jungledisk.com
- Services
- Backup Reporting
- Remote Management Service
We will be performing routine maintenance on our Jungle Disk infrastructure. We expect for the maintenance to be completed by 10 PM CST. We do not expect this maintenance to cause any downtime. However, if you experience any issues, please restart the Jungle Disk service. https://support.jungledisk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200812784-Restarting-the-Jungle-Disk-Service
The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.
The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.
[Complete] Jungle Disk Infrastructure Maintenance
Began: Ended: Duration: -
- Rackspace Cloud Files
- Dallas
- Chicago
- Amazon S3
- Ireland
We will be performing routine maintenance on our Jungle Disk infrastructure. We expect for the maintenance to be completed by 10 PM CST. We do not expect this maintenance to cause any downtime. However, if you experience any issues, please restart the Jungle Disk service. https://support.jungledisk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200812784-Restarting-the-Jungle-Disk-Service
The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.
The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.
[Complete] Jungle Disk Infrastructure Maintenance
Began: Ended: Duration: - Past notices
- No further notices from the past 7 days.